In the late 1990's, New Jersey recognized that the mental health system in place at that time was not meeting the needs of children with complex behavioral, emotional, or mental health challenges
Under the direction of former Governor Christie Whitman, and with input from a dedicated group of parents, New Jersey launched the Children's System of Care Initiative, which is now known as the Division of Child Behavioral Health Services (DCBHS).
The vision was designed to create a system of care that focused on family strengths and community resources. A system of care is a coordinated network of community-based services and supports that are organized to meet the challenges of children and youth with complex behavioral, emotional and mental health needs. Families and youth work in partnership with public and private organizations to design an individualized plan that is effective and that builds on the strengths of individuals to address each person's cultural and linguistic needs. The system of care assists youth and families work better to remain in their home, school, and own community.
The Family Support Organization of Union County is your family's local system of care and is comprised of real family members who have navigated some of New Jersey's more complex systems (e.g., DYFS, Juvenile Justice, Mental Health and Special Education) on behalf of their own children. We have faced immense challenges that have impacted our own families. Through real testimony and life experience, we have found that when families receive help and support from another parent or family member who experienced some of the same or similar challenges they currently face, they find their own voice and encouragement. Through honest peer to peer support, we help to ensure that every family is afforded the opportunity to address their child’s physical, emotional, intellectual, cultural and social needs